Casting Director Workshop with Judy Lee – Sept 14
Use coupon code ‘EARLYBIRD’ to get $50 discount till Aug 31st!
September 13,14, 2024 11-4 pm (12) spots available $325 + GST*
*Early Bird pricing: $285 before August 31, 2024 11:59pm
(10) audit/observer spots are available, $60 each + GST
Don’t miss this great opportunity to get in front of one of Vancouver’s busiest Casting Directors, Judy JK Lee.
Judy is most recently recognized as the casting director for the CBC movie and series, Bones of Crows as well as many of the local Movies for Television.
Judy JK Lee got her feet wet as a 20-something in the film & television industry playing roles like “Teenager #3”, “Zombie Teenager #2” and “Halfway House Woman #0” but upon deeply introspective reflection, realized she sucked as an actor. Her entry into casting was a serendipitous twist of fate and she considers herself blessed to work in the Vancouver film/tv community. Her inspirations are the actors who come into her casting sessions and demonstrate unwavering courage and commitment and her amazing kid who teaches her the beauty and bravery of picking one’s self up after falling and continuing on the journey. Judy has had the great privilege to work for the CBC, Universal, Paramount, Lifetime and Hallmark as well as many tremendously talented independent filmmakers.
This workshop is designed in 2 parts:
Participants will receive a scene picked just for them by Judy, then have a pre-workshop presentation on Friday evening September 13, 6-9 pm to seasoned working actors*. All scenes will be videotaped for review in front of the whole group for additional perspectives and the chance to watch others work. The instructors will provide notes and direction to improve your audition for presentation for Judy on Saturday.
At Saturday’s session, you will meet Judy and have the chance to present your scene twice for her. After the first take, Judy will offer some notes/ re-direct. Then you will present a 2nd take and receive final notes. Judy will then offer general notes and career suggestions for the individuals and the entire group. A short Q/A will follow.
*leaders will vary depending on commitments:
Damon Gregory, Dalias Blake, Janet Anderson, et al.